Dear Ganja Diary
Live Trip Report – Magic Mushrooms ? | Psychedelic Therapy | Herbistry420
Live Trip Report – Magic Mushrooms ? | Psychedelic Therapy | Herbistry420
Disclaimer: First things first… I do not condone taking Magic Mushrooms, if you take them, you do so at your own risk. It is important to note that I am not a Doctor or Licensed Therapist… I am only sharing my thoughts and feelings about the self administered therapy. This video is intended for Adults, so if you are under 18, please exit this page. Lastly, psychedelics are no joke… if you decide on your own to take any form of psychedelic I would recommend being with someone who has done it before.
“Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong.” –Terence McKenna
A’ight, now that we got the disclaimer out of the way… let’s talk about this. Last weekend, I decided to take some Psilocybin Mushrooms (Magic Mushrooms). My motivation was to let go of some trauma I have been dealing with for the last year, some depression that seems to stick around, laugh uncontrollably a bit and think about my choices; past, present and future. In the second half of the video I become more introspective and share more of my inner thoughts. The video(s) were not recorded consecutively and I did not record the peak of the trip (as that would not have been possible. I took Syrian Rue a few hours before the Magic Mushrooms. Syrian Rue in high dosages can be a psychedelic, however it was actually my first time taking and I took a small dose of 0.3 grams which my friend told me would have a nice calming effect (it did) and I painted for a few hours on it.
Several alkaloids that function as monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are found in the seeds of Peganum harmala (also known as Harmal or Syrian Rue). Syrian Rue can be used as an effective multiplier for your psychedelics (increasing the strength and longevity of your trip from what I’ve read).
Note: I took 3.2g of McKenna Mushrooms which alone may not be a heroic dose (borderline), but with the Syrian Rue it felt much stronger than what I remember 3.2 feeling like. It had been several years since I’ve done any Magic Mushrooms (figure that might be important to note).
Note2: The video is quite long and I didn’t edit it much, so I decided to sprinkle it with some memes and other tidbits to keep it entertaining. If you do not like memes, then just listen to the audio. And if you aren’t into Psychedelics and/or are not curious to see what it’s like to be on Mushrooms this video won’t be for you. If you guys like the video, I am happy to make/share more like it. I do have a video that I made of my first trip on DMT, let me know if you guys want to see that.
Lastly… everyone is different, my experience would not be the same as yours. Settings, dosage, state of mind and experience all play a role when taking psychedelics. Therapists in different parts of the world are experimenting with Psychedelic therapy.. and seeing amazing results in treating Depression as well as helping people get off harder drugs. When on a trip you ask yourself many questions and if you take the time to do this, you may rewire your thinking due to the trip.
Hope I didn’t bore you guys and you enjoy the video!
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—Basic Cannabis Cooking Video Links—
Link to Decarb Video –
Link to Cannabutter Video –
Link to Hash Butter Video –
Link to CannaHoney Video –
Link to Infuse Coconut Oil with Crockpot –
Link to Infuse Coconut Oil with Magical Butter Machine –
—Thanks for watching—
Note: Please be careful with dosing, I take zero responsibility for whatever you do if you follow this video.
I hope you guys like the video, if you do please share it with your friends!
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Nothing but love,
—Items Used In Video—
—– Commonly Used Items —–
Please see other videos for commonly used items as I ran out of space to add more to this description.
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