Buy Me A Coffee / Beer / Spliff –

What’s up guys and gals, I’m starting a new channel called Herbistry420. This channel will be dedicated to Cannabis How-To, Creating Cannabis Crafts and Tools and Reviews… and other bs from your host Fordee!

This video was originally going to be on FordeeTV, my main channel, but I decided to create a separate channel for the Cannabis stuff.

Note: Please be careful with dosing, I take zero responsibility for whatever you do if you follow this video.

Please check out our Merch (t-shirts, tank tops, etc), it supports the channel –

Note: Some of the provided links are affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. This helps support the channel and allows me to continue making videos for free. Thank you for your support!

I hope you guys like the video, if you do please share it with your friends!

Also, don’t forget to subscribe!

Nothing but love,

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