Cat Poop Coffee Infused with Cannabis (Kopi Luwak) | Herbistry420
Cat Poop Coffee Infused with Cannabis (Kopi Luwak) | Herbistry420
In today’s video we are going to add some Cannabis (Cannasugar) to Kopi Luwak, a Coffee that consists of partially digested coffee cherries, which have been eaten and defecated by the Asian palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus). It is also called civet coffee. This is the most expensive coffee in the world coming it at $100-$600 for a pound of this coffee. The one I got was a gift from a friend and contains 50g of Kopi Luwak. I only used 1tsp of Cannasugar as I wanted to taste this coffee and not make it too sweet. Surprisingly you can barely taste the cat poop hahaha, just kidding, it actually tastes kinda fruity. Its definitely worth trying, however I wouldn’t make it my goto as it’s ridiculously expensive and It doesn’t taste as good as some of the coffee I normally buy.
If you guys make it, let me know in the comments what you think!
I will upload a CannaSugar video this week, but here’s a link to decarb and make Green Dragon Tincture as you will have to do those two things before making CannaSugar.
Link to Green Dragon Video – https://youtu.be/gZMgkeyp4Lg
Link to Decarb Video – https://youtu.be/vyYQn8JmLxw
Note: Please be careful with dosing, I take zero responsibility for whatever you do if you follow this video.
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Nothing but love,
—USA Amazon Links—
The didn’t have the one I got as a gift on Amazon so I’m sharing this one, looks extravagant! Also looks like the source from Wild Civets so even better! It’s twice the size of the one I got at 100grams.
Cafés Granell Wild Kopi Luwak Coffee Whole Beans, 100grams – https://amzn.to/3h7LJQg
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